Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon: Wildlands takes place in the expansive, gritty and vibrant backdrop of Bolivia, South America. The influential and vicious Santa Blanca Mexican drug Cartel has turned the country into a narco-state, leading to lawlessness, fear, injustice and violence. You are sent behind the enemy lines as a member of The Ghosts, a legendary US Elite Special Operations team, to create chaos that will destabilize and eventually break the alliance between the Santa Blanca cartel and the corrupted government.
Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Wildlands PS4 – USED
Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon: Wildlands takes place in the expansive, gritty and vibrant backdrop of Bolivia, South America. The influential and vicious Santa Blanca Mexican drug Cartel has turned the country into a narco-state, leading to lawlessness, fear, injustice and violence. You are sent behind the enemy lines as a member of The Ghosts, a legendary US Elite Special Operations team, to create chaos that will destabilize and eventually break the alliance between the Santa Blanca cartel and the corrupted government.
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